A task was originally planned to be completed in ten days, but it was actually completed in eight days. The work time was shortened by several percent, and the work efficiency was improved by several percent What is the efficiency 10/8-1=25% Is that right What is the idea of this formula

A task was originally planned to be completed in ten days, but it was actually completed in eight days. The work time was shortened by several percent, and the work efficiency was improved by several percent What is the efficiency 10/8-1=25% Is that right What is the idea of this formula

Assuming that the original work efficiency is 1, then 10 / 8 is the actual work efficiency
Working time reduction: (10-8) / 10 * 100% = 20%
Work efficiency improvement: (1 / 8-1 / 10) / (1 / 10) * 100% = [(1 / 8) / (1 / 10) - 1] * 100% = (10 / 8-1) * 100% = 25%