On a long enough note, write the natural numbers 1 to 500 from left to right, and then point a comma every three numbers from left to right, such as 123456789101112 The number before the 100th comma is

On a long enough note, write the natural numbers 1 to 500 from left to right, and then point a comma every three numbers from left to right, such as 123456789101112 The number before the 100th comma is

100 commas with numbers: 100 × 3 = 300
300, one digit and two digit are removed, and the remaining number is 300-9 - (99-9) × 2 = 111
111 numbers occupy three digits: 111 △ 3 = 37
The 37th three digit number from 100 is: 100 + (37-1) = 136