Put seven numbers 40, 80120160200240280 in the circle to make the sum of each line equal to the sum of each circle

Put seven numbers 40, 80120160200240280 in the circle to make the sum of each line equal to the sum of each circle

These seven numbers, each divided by 40, can become 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and then arranged as
The top 7 1 4, the left 2 6 4, the right 4 5 3 are multiplied by 40, that is to say
The top side is 280 40 160 (the first vertical from top to bottom), the left side is 80 240 160 (from left to right), the right side is 160 200 120 (from left to right), so that the sum of each line and each circle is equal to 480
My level is not enough to insert pictures. I hope all parents in grade two can understand