3、 When the height of the terrain is indicated on the map, the sea level should be taken as the datum. Generally, the altitude of the sea level is set at 00, and the elevation of the sea level is set at 0 The number represents the altitude above sea level (1) What is the significance of the altitude of 500 m in Jiadi? (2) What is the significance of the altitude of - 300m in place B? 2. According to the weather forecast one day this year, the lowest temperature in Harbin is - 22 degrees, and the lowest temperature in Haikou is 15 degrees. How much higher is the temperature in Haikou than that in Harbin?

3、 When the height of the terrain is indicated on the map, the sea level should be taken as the datum. Generally, the altitude of the sea level is set at 00, and the elevation of the sea level is set at 0 The number represents the altitude above sea level (1) What is the significance of the altitude of 500 m in Jiadi? (2) What is the significance of the altitude of - 300m in place B? 2. According to the weather forecast one day this year, the lowest temperature in Harbin is - 22 degrees, and the lowest temperature in Haikou is 15 degrees. How much higher is the temperature in Haikou than that in Harbin?

1. The altitude of land a is 500 meters above sea level
Land B is 300 meters below sea level
2. 15 - (- 22) = 15 + 22 = 37 (degrees)
A: the temperature in Haikou is 37 degrees higher than that in Harbin