Xiaoxing deposits 1000 yuan into the bank for one year, with an annual interest rate of 2.52% (interest tax of 5%). After maturity, how many yuan can he take out of the principal and interest? One more question The ratio of a and B is 10:7, the number of a is more than that of B, and the number of B is less than that of A 3%, wrong number

Xiaoxing deposits 1000 yuan into the bank for one year, with an annual interest rate of 2.52% (interest tax of 5%). After maturity, how many yuan can he take out of the principal and interest? One more question The ratio of a and B is 10:7, the number of a is more than that of B, and the number of B is less than that of A 3%, wrong number

Question 1:
Interest = principal x interest rate X deposit duration x (1-interest rate)
= 31.35 yuan
Principal and interest = principal + Interest = 1000 + 31.35 = 1031.35 (yuan)
A: after one year, the principal and interest can be withdrawn, totaling 1031.35 yuan
Question 2:
(10-7) △ 7 = 3 / 7 the number of a is 3 / 7 more than that of B
(10-7) △ 10 = 3 / 10 = 30% number B is 30% less than number a
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