I want the broadcast draft of winter sports meeting in primary school tonight (before 9 o'clock). I don't want poetry. I want a short essay of about 100 words Don't talk empty. I'm going to (before 9 o'clock) tonight. I don't want poems. I want short essays of about 100 words. Don't copy!

I want the broadcast draft of winter sports meeting in primary school tonight (before 9 o'clock). I don't want poetry. I want a short essay of about 100 words Don't talk empty. I'm going to (before 9 o'clock) tonight. I don't want poems. I want short essays of about 100 words. Don't copy!

There is a victory called persistence
Three thousand meters is a long distance for me. When I think of it, I feel shivering. However, for every female athlete standing on the starting line, this will be the competition they will face
I think someone will not be able to finish the whole race. After all, 3000 meters is a long march for a girl. But the result can only surprise me. No athlete quit in the middle of the race, and all the athletes hold on to the finish line. Although there is a gap of nearly a lap between the last and the first, they are all winners, because there is a kind of victory called persistence
Beyond the limit
Maybe you have tried and won, but you still miss the successful applause and flowers
Maybe you have tried and failed, but the flame of success can't burn
Maybe when you face the gully, you have hesitated, scared, hesitated, sad, stagnated... But friend, are you calm
If you think about it carefully, maybe if you take another step forward, maybe success will just shake hands with you? Have you ever asked calmly, maybe across
This ditch is the hometown of the holy dream?
Summon up courage, take another step forward, beyond the limits of dreams, beyond their own limits, break the limits of success!
Beyond the limit, beyond the self, take off to the direction of the dream
The color of youth
Life is a photo album, and youth is the most beautiful scenery in it
Life is a stream, youth is the most crystal water along the way
Life in the streets, youth is never tired topic
Raise your head and write confidently on your face: "we are young"
We are young, let the youth fly in the wind on the white track, let the vigorous cry gyrate in the vast stadium··
We are young, let the melodious youth unfold in the soft body, let the happy memory stay in the singing time··
We are young, let youth burning in the hands of the flame, the passion of life to open up in the heart, and the brilliant fusion of the sun
The weak wait for opportunities, while the strong create them
Cowards and wavers often have no chance to forgive themselves. In fact, "opportunity only comes to those who are well prepared."
Opportunity brings education, courage, friendship, courage and honor
Don't say opportunity doesn't come to you, just because of you, you don't find the eyes
Don't take the test as pain, maybe it will be your step to success!
When you decide to take part in the competition, you take out 100% courage. When you work hard, you are half successful
We firmly believe that success belongs to you who are good at waiting!
Cheer for all the athletes of Medical College
The founder of success
Athletes on the field, it is you who, with your ardent heart and unrestrained feelings, cross the desert is the oasis of ambition, cast a success full of strength and miracle, and compose a fantastic and fantastic song of success
It is your essence of concentrating the sun, condensing the depth of the ocean, crossing the blanks of the sky, bathing the spring breeze of the earth, absorbing the fragrance of flowers, making success like an angel, with the laughter of silvery ringing, and lightly waving with hands from the dream.
The grand sports meeting is held for you, the applause of the audience is clapped for you, the majestic horn is sounded for you, and the flowers of success are fragrant for you!
Vigorous and forward