The shop buys a batch of bicycles at the purchase price of 400 yuan and the selling price of 500 yuan. When the number of bicycles sold is less than 4, the shop has gained the full cost. When all the bicycles are sold out, how much is the total profit?

The shop buys a batch of bicycles at the purchase price of 400 yuan and the selling price of 500 yuan. When the number of bicycles sold is less than 4, the shop has gained the full cost. When all the bicycles are sold out, how much is the total profit?

The ratio of unit price before and after: 400:500 = 4:5, the total number of bicycles: 4 ÷ (56-45) = 120 (units), the total profit: 120 × (500-400), = 120 × 100, = 12000 (yuan). Answer: the total profit is 12000 yuan