What does the number in the last bracket of 6 + 1 mean? For example, buy bet 6 + 1 It's 8 15 14 9 5 17 - 3 (01) That (01) and that - 3

What does the number in the last bracket of 6 + 1 mean? For example, buy bet 6 + 1 It's 8 15 14 9 5 17 - 3 (01) That (01) and that - 3

The following "3" is the "1" in the 6 + 1,
The first six digits are 1 - 33 and the last one is 1 - 16
Then the following (01) indicates that you have bought one note for this group of numbers, and you can also buy more notes for the same number, then (02) (03) is in brackets
Are you clear?