Have you ever judged how many cubes there are according to the three views of the three-dimensional figure made of several cubes? The more the better!

Have you ever judged how many cubes there are according to the three views of the three-dimensional figure made of several cubes? The more the better!

There is no title on the Internet. Let me tell you some methods
Front view, left view, top view, right?
You have to combine the three
First of all, look at the top view to have an intuitive understanding of how many columns (or piles) there are
The number of vertical rows in the positive direction can be determined
At this time, compared with the left view, the number of vertical rows in the left direction can be compared with that in the positive direction, which row is empty first
Similarly, compared with the top view, the front view can compare which column is empty
In the process of continuous comparison, you have to imagine space in your mind and build a model. Sometimes a comparison will lead to confusion. For the sake of short memory, you have to repeat the comparison many times to get a more intuitive understanding
Of course, if your spatial imagination is not good, there is another way. First, draw a cube assuming that all positions are full, and then continuously delete the cubes in it through comparison. In this way, you can avoid the complexity and Er headache