Page 42 PEP Edition A barrel of oil weighs 58kg and is used up in three days. One third of the oil is used in the first day, the remaining two-thirds is used in the second day, and the oil used in the third day is 6kg less than three seventh of Zhonghe used in the previous two days!

Page 42 PEP Edition A barrel of oil weighs 58kg and is used up in three days. One third of the oil is used in the first day, the remaining two-thirds is used in the second day, and the oil used in the third day is 6kg less than three seventh of Zhonghe used in the previous two days!

The weight of oil is X
Lie equation: x = (1 / 3) x + (2 / 3) * (2 / 3) x + * (3 / 7) - 6
The solution is: x = 54kg
Barrel weight 58-54 = 4kg
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