How many tenths are there in 8.1, how many percentages are there in 8.12, and how many thousandths are there in 0.43 0.043 is made up of a few hundredths and a few thousandths 097 is composed of several tenths and several thousandths

How many tenths are there in 8.1, how many percentages are there in 8.12, and how many thousandths are there in 0.43 0.043 is made up of a few hundredths and a few thousandths 097 is composed of several tenths and several thousandths

8.1 there are 81 tenths in it
812 percent in 8.12
There are 430 thousandths in 0.43
0.043 is composed of four one hundredths and three thousandths
097 is composed of 0 tenth and 97 thousandths