Mr. Li typed 96 words in three fourths of a minute. At this speed, he could type () words in one minute, and it took a long time to type a word( Mr. Li typed 96 words in three fourths of a minute. At this speed, he could type () words in one minute, and it took () minutes to type one word

Mr. Li typed 96 words in three fourths of a minute. At this speed, he could type () words in one minute, and it took a long time to type a word( Mr. Li typed 96 words in three fourths of a minute. At this speed, he could type () words in one minute, and it took () minutes to type one word

Divide 96 by 3 / 4 and multiply 1 to 128. 3 / 4 divided by 96 equals 1 / 128, so the first answer is 128 and the second one is 1 / 128