A supermarket has lowered the price of induction cooker twice. The first one is 20% lower than the original price. After the price reduction, each induction cooker sells for 380 yuan. The second one is 10% lower than the price after the first price reduction. Now how much is the price of each induction cooker cheaper than the original price?

A supermarket has lowered the price of induction cooker twice. The first one is 20% lower than the original price. After the price reduction, each induction cooker sells for 380 yuan. The second one is 10% lower than the price after the first price reduction. Now how much is the price of each induction cooker cheaper than the original price?

380 △ 80% = 475 (yuan), 380-380 × 10% = 342 (yuan), 475-342 = 133 (yuan); answer: now the price of each induction cooker is 133 yuan cheaper than the original price