A shopping mall sells a certain kind of clothes with a purchase price of 40 yuan at 50 yuan per day When a shopping mall sells a certain kind of clothing with a purchase price of 40 yuan at 50 yuan, 300 sets can be sold every day. Every 2 yuan increase in the price of this kind of clothing will reduce the sales by 10 sets. If the shopping mall sets the price as X, please write down the functional relationship between the number of pieces of this kind of clothing sold every day and the value range of the level independent variable x

A shopping mall sells a certain kind of clothes with a purchase price of 40 yuan at 50 yuan per day When a shopping mall sells a certain kind of clothing with a purchase price of 40 yuan at 50 yuan, 300 sets can be sold every day. Every 2 yuan increase in the price of this kind of clothing will reduce the sales by 10 sets. If the shopping mall sets the price as X, please write down the functional relationship between the number of pieces of this kind of clothing sold every day and the value range of the level independent variable x

Generally, the selling price should be greater than or equal to the purchase price, so x ≥ 40
And because the number of pieces sold every day is ≥ 0, so 550-5x ≥ 0, so x ≤ 110
So the value range of independent variable x is 40 ≤ x ≤ 110