The following sets are represented by the method of Property Description: (1) the set composed of even numbers; (2) the set composed of odd numbers; (3) A set of all natural numbers divided by 3 and 2; (4) A set of all trapezoidal bodies; (5) A set of rhombic collectives; (6) A set of squares Urgent, tomorrow

The following sets are represented by the method of Property Description: (1) the set composed of even numbers; (2) the set composed of odd numbers; (3) A set of all natural numbers divided by 3 and 2; (4) A set of all trapezoidal bodies; (5) A set of rhombic collectives; (6) A set of squares Urgent, tomorrow

The even number set is: {x = 2A, a belongs to Z}
The odd set is: {x = 2A + 1, a belongs to Z}
(Note: "belong to" should be written with symbol, I can't type it with computer. Make do with it