A physical phenomenon, there are also calculation methods When we turn on the tap, we will find that the diameter of the continuous flow column is shrinking. Why? Is there any calculation method? What is the relationship between the height, the diameter before falling and the diameter at the lowest? How to calculate?

A physical phenomenon, there are also calculation methods When we turn on the tap, we will find that the diameter of the continuous flow column is shrinking. Why? Is there any calculation method? What is the relationship between the height, the diameter before falling and the diameter at the lowest? How to calculate?

According to the law of conservation of energy, gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, so the lower the velocity is, the faster the velocity is. The velocity can be calculated by Bernoulli equation. According to the steady flow law of fluid, that is, v1a1 = v2a2, V refers to velocity, and a refers to cross-sectional area of water flow. It can be calculated that the cross-sectional area of corresponding height is reduced. Bernoulli equation can be seen in encyclopedia