It is known that a and B on the number axis correspond to - 2 and 4 respectively, P is a moving point on the number axis, and the corresponding number is x value 1) If P is the trisection point of line AB, find the number corresponding to P (2) Is there a point P on the number axis, so that the sum of the distances from point P to point a and point B is 10? If there is, calculate the value of X; if not, explain the reason (3) If point a, point B and point P (point P at the origin) move to the left at the same time, and their velocities are 1, 2 and 1 length unit / min respectively, then in what minutes is p the midpoint of AB?

It is known that a and B on the number axis correspond to - 2 and 4 respectively, P is a moving point on the number axis, and the corresponding number is x value 1) If P is the trisection point of line AB, find the number corresponding to P (2) Is there a point P on the number axis, so that the sum of the distances from point P to point a and point B is 10? If there is, calculate the value of X; if not, explain the reason (3) If point a, point B and point P (point P at the origin) move to the left at the same time, and their velocities are 1, 2 and 1 length unit / min respectively, then in what minutes is p the midpoint of AB?

(1) 0 and 2
(2) - 4 and 6
(3) Five minutes