The sixth unit number and algebra ability test volume (volume a) 1. A certain engineering team has built a highway, which has been paved for 2.8 km in the first 20 days. According to this calculation, the remaining 4.2 km will be paved in a few days 2. For a project, it takes 10 hours for Party A to do it alone and 15 hours for Party B to sit alone. Now, after 3 / 1 cooperation between Party A and Party B, how many hours will it take for Party A to complete the remaining work alone? 3. A kind of liquid medicine is made up of powder and water in the ratio of 1:100. How many kg of powder and water are needed to prepare 4040 kg of liquid medicine? 4. A desk costs 30 yuan more than a chair. If the unit price of a chair is 3 / 2 of that of a desk, how much is the unit price of the desk and chair? 5. There is rice in the area, 40% in one week, 12 kg in two weeks, and 6 kg left. How many kilos is this bag of rice?

The sixth unit number and algebra ability test volume (volume a) 1. A certain engineering team has built a highway, which has been paved for 2.8 km in the first 20 days. According to this calculation, the remaining 4.2 km will be paved in a few days 2. For a project, it takes 10 hours for Party A to do it alone and 15 hours for Party B to sit alone. Now, after 3 / 1 cooperation between Party A and Party B, how many hours will it take for Party A to complete the remaining work alone? 3. A kind of liquid medicine is made up of powder and water in the ratio of 1:100. How many kg of powder and water are needed to prepare 4040 kg of liquid medicine? 4. A desk costs 30 yuan more than a chair. If the unit price of a chair is 3 / 2 of that of a desk, how much is the unit price of the desk and chair? 5. There is rice in the area, 40% in one week, 12 kg in two weeks, and 6 kg left. How many kilos is this bag of rice?

Problem 1: the solution needs to be finished in X days. 2.8:20 = 4.2: X
Second question:
Question 3: 1 + 100 = 101
Powder: 4040 / 101 = 40 (kg) water: 4040 / 101 × 100 = 4000 (kg)
Question 4: Desk: 30 × 3 = 90 yuan; Chair: 30 × 2 = 60 yuan
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