For a three minute English speech, for the competition Content to be positive, the best is a small story or something, the best translation

For a three minute English speech, for the competition Content to be positive, the best is a small story or something, the best translation

In china,people believe that,at the beginning,the tiger and the cat were friends,and the cat was much smarter than the tiger .The cat learned the physical skills quickly,and the tiger was always behind.Gradually ,the tiger had to learn from the cat,and the cat was patient to teach the tiger.Day after day,month after month,finally, the tiger could also run,jump,roll,grasp,tear,and strike as well as the cat.
In China, it is believed that cats and tigers were good friends a long time ago, and cats are much smarter than tigers. Cats learn action skills quickly, but tigers always lag behind. Gradually, tigers have to learn from cats, and cats teach tigers patiently. Day after day, month after month, tigers can finally run, jump, roll, grab, bite and hit like cats
One summer afternoon,the cat was taking a nap as the tiger sitting nearby.Looking at the cat,the tiger suddenly thought, why should he keep befriending with such a small animal since he had already learnt all the skills from the cat?The evil tiger decided to kill the sleeping cat as a before dinner snack.The tiger stood up and approached the cat viciously.Just as this moment,the cat woke up.Opening up her eyes, the smart cat immediately realized what the tiger was trying to do and swiftly jumped onto a nearby tall tree and climbed to the top branch.
One summer afternoon, the cat was dozing while the tiger was sitting on the side. Looking at the cat, the tiger suddenly thought, since he has learned all the skills of the cat, why do he have to be friends with such a small animal all the time? The evil tiger decided to kill the sleeping cat as a snack before dinner. The Tiger stood up and approached the cat step by step, The cat woke up. She opened her eyes and immediately realized what the tiger was going to do. So she jumped to the nearby tree and climbed to the top of the tree
The tiger thought he had already learned every skill from the cat .But he never knew that the cat had hidden the tree climbing from him.
The tiger thought he had learned all the skills of the cat, but he didn't know that the cat also had the ability to climb trees
“I kept the last technique of the tree climbing from you just because I suspected you might be can ungrateful friend.” The cat loudly told the tiger who watched under the tree helplessly.
"I didn't let you learn this last tree climbing skill, because I suspect you may be an ungrateful friend," the cat told the helpless tiger under the tree