). The sum of all divisors is () The decimal point of a decimal, move one place to the right, 5.4 larger than the original, the original number is () A natural number divided by 2, 3, 4, 5, the result is more than 1, such a number has (), the smallest is () The letter expression of the relationship between fraction, division and ratio is () The number of a is three eighths of the number of B. the ratio of a to B is (). The number of a is three eighths more than that of B. the ratio of a to B is () () divide by () = 3 / 4 = () = (): () = () 12 / 4 = ()% The side length of a square is ()% of the circumference This year's per capita income is 12% higher than that of last year, so this year's per capita income is ()% This year's per capita income is 12% higher than last year's, so this year's per capita income is ()% of last year's

). The sum of all divisors is () The decimal point of a decimal, move one place to the right, 5.4 larger than the original, the original number is () A natural number divided by 2, 3, 4, 5, the result is more than 1, such a number has (), the smallest is () The letter expression of the relationship between fraction, division and ratio is () The number of a is three eighths of the number of B. the ratio of a to B is (). The number of a is three eighths more than that of B. the ratio of a to B is () () divide by () = 3 / 4 = () = (): () = () 12 / 4 = ()% The side length of a square is ()% of the circumference This year's per capita income is 12% higher than that of last year, so this year's per capita income is ()% This year's per capita income is 12% higher than last year's, so this year's per capita income is ()% of last year's

1. 120 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 2, 124 3, 0.64, infinite 121 5, numerator of fraction = divisor of division, = preceding term of ratio, fractional line of fraction = division sign of division, = ratio sign of ratio. Denominator of fraction = divisor of division, = following term of ratio 6, 3:8 11:8 7, 43 0.75 3 4 16 75 8, 25 9, 112