How to draw centrosymmetric figure in mathematics? For example, how to draw when you rotate 180 ° around a certain point?

How to draw centrosymmetric figure in mathematics? For example, how to draw when you rotate 180 ° around a certain point?

As shown in the figure, we know that △ ABC and point O. extend CO to C & # 39;, so that C & # 39; o = Co; extend B & # 39; O to B, so that Bo = B & # 39; O; extend Ao to a & # 39;, so that a & # 39; o = Ao. Just connect a & # 39; B & # 39; C & # 39; three points^_ ^Hope to adopt (the important thing is to do more by yourself and use your brain -- you can ask the teacher if you don't understand)