Simple operation problem of adding positive and negative numbers from one to mathematics (+1)+(-2)+(3)+(-4)+.+(2005)+(-2006)+2007

Simple operation problem of adding positive and negative numbers from one to mathematics (+1)+(-2)+(3)+(-4)+.+(2005)+(-2006)+2007

(+ 1) + (- 2) + (3) + (- 4) +. + (2005) + (- 2006) + 2007 = [(+ 1) + 2007] + [(- 2) + (- 2006)] + [(+ 3) + 2005] +... + [(- 1003) + (- 1005] + 1004 = 2008-2008 + 2008-2008 +... + 2008-2008 + 1004 = 2008 + 1004 = 3012 note: This is because there are 200