During the promotion period of a certain market, it is stipulated that all goods in the market are sold at 80% of the price. At the same time, when customers consume a certain amount of money in the market, the following plan should be adopted The range of consumption amount x (yuan) 200 ≤ a

During the promotion period of a certain market, it is stipulated that all goods in the market are sold at 80% of the price. At the same time, when customers consume a certain amount of money in the market, the following plan should be adopted The range of consumption amount x (yuan) 200 ≤ a

(1) Discount amount: 1000 × (1-80%) + 130 = 330 (yuan) discount rate: 3301000 × 100% = 33%; (2) if the price is set at x yuan, you can get 13 discount rate. When the price is between 500 yuan and 800 yuan, the consumption amount a is between 400 yuan and 640 yuan