Is work a vector or a scalar? Why According to w = flcosa Where f and L are all vectors, is the resulting w also a vector? Excuse me, if the right direction is defined as the positive direction, the object is still on the horizontal table, it is pulled 5 N horizontally to the left, and the object moves 5 m to the left, then the work done by the pulling force on the object is w = FS = 5 * - 5 = - 25J So, what force does is not negative work? And the pulling force is the motive force. According to the principle, we should do positive work. How to explain? Good answer, increase the reward

Is work a vector or a scalar? Why According to w = flcosa Where f and L are all vectors, is the resulting w also a vector? Excuse me, if the right direction is defined as the positive direction, the object is still on the horizontal table, it is pulled 5 N horizontally to the left, and the object moves 5 m to the left, then the work done by the pulling force on the object is w = FS = 5 * - 5 = - 25J So, what force does is not negative work? And the pulling force is the motive force. According to the principle, we should do positive work. How to explain? Good answer, increase the reward

Work is scalar, but work has positive and negative. The two necessary factors for doing work are force and displacement. Force is vector, and displacement is vector, but their product is scalar. For example, if a force F produces displacement s along the 30 degree direction, then the work is f * s