How many six digits do the ten numbers 0-9 make up The numbers can be used repeatedly. These six digits are divided into two groups, with a space in the middle, and 0 can be used as the beginning. For example, (110 225) (011 325) (199 001) (558 009) (333 456) (708 555) (000 222) below What do you think of the answer on the first floor···

How many six digits do the ten numbers 0-9 make up The numbers can be used repeatedly. These six digits are divided into two groups, with a space in the middle, and 0 can be used as the beginning. For example, (110 225) (011 325) (199 001) (558 009) (333 456) (708 555) (000 222) below What do you think of the answer on the first floor···

It doesn't matter if there is a space in the middle. Since 0 can be the first place, that is to say, each of the six digits has 10 numbers of 0-9 to choose from
The number of numbers is: 10 * 10 * 10 * 10 * 10 * 10, that is, the sixth power of 10