12 * 46 () is equal to 64 * 21 It's solved by equation.

12 * 46 () is equal to 64 * 21 It's solved by equation.

First, divide the two sides by 12 divided by 4, then divide by 3, 21 divided by 3 to become 46 () = () 16 * 7. That's easy. What's the ending 6 * 7? The answer is 2, that's 462. It seems wrong that 462 divided by 7 = 66. Actually, it's not supposed to be 462 = (0.5) 16 * 7. However, without such a form, 0.5 less than 1 can only be added to the end to become 66 * 7, so the expansion of 0.5 by 4 times to 2 is just in line with
It's OK to insist on the equation. The number in brackets is x 12 * 460 + 12x + 2100x + 21 * 64. The answer is 2. I don't need to solve the equation···