What is the definition of language symbol~ What is a linguistic sign? Please try to express it in one sentence, preferably in a standardized way,

What is the definition of language symbol~ What is a linguistic sign? Please try to express it in one sentence, preferably in a standardized way,

The definition of language symbol
Definition 1:
Language symbol refers to the medium rather than the reflection of the content. The cognitive activity of using the symbol medium makes the image and the material object completely separate. When people use the symbol to reflect the external object, they can go beyond the actual interaction between people and objects
Definition 2:
”Wang Qiang, a metaphysician, also said in Laozi Zhilue that if a man can't argue his name, he can't reason with words
Definition 3:
Language symbol refers to the oral pronunciation and written symbols. Meaning refers to the expression of meaning in the form of language. Since language is the system of expressing meaning, meaning plays a central role in the perception, memory of words and sentences, listening, speaking, reading and writing
Definition 4:
2、 The relationship between sign and cognition 1. Synecdoche of sign Saussure (2001:66,67101) said: "language sign does not refer to the connection between object and name, but refers to the connection between concept and sound image." language sign consists of two parts: sound image and concept
Definition 5:
Language signs refer to existential aspect. Existential aspect, as the referent, should be consistent with the reference marked by language signs, but there are differences in fact. This is the relationship between "should be" and "be"
Definition 6:
"Speech" is the language material generated by artistic conception, or language symbol. It is an organic part of artistic conception. From the rhetoric point of view, this kind of language symbol has the abstract meaning understood by all members of a language group. "Meaning" has two levels, the shallow one is the meaning relative to the language symbol, and the deep one is the theme meaning characterized by the poet's perception
Definition 7:
The combination of form and meaning in this way is called linguistic sign. An important fact of linguistic sign is that there is no necessary connection between the form and meaning of words, and the relationship between them is conventional. This is one of the principles of modern linguistics: non motivation of words
Definition 8:
Language symbols refer to the words that record all kinds of languages, such as Chinese characters, English, Japanese, French, Russian, etc. "words record sound language and carry thinking through language." its connection with thinking is through the indirect connection of language, that is, "thinking language literature."