Rational number addition and subtraction in junior high school (addition) (-25)+34+156+(-65)=100 (-64)+17+(-23)+68=(-2) (-42)+57+(-84)+(-23)=(-92) subtraction (-3)-(-7)=10 (-10)-3=(-13) 33-(-27)=60 Are these questions right? Addition of rational numbers is the addition of different numbers, the decrease of sign follows the decrease of sign. Subtraction is the opposite of subtracting a number equal to the addition of this number

Rational number addition and subtraction in junior high school (addition) (-25)+34+156+(-65)=100 (-64)+17+(-23)+68=(-2) (-42)+57+(-84)+(-23)=(-92) subtraction (-3)-(-7)=10 (-10)-3=(-13) 33-(-27)=60 Are these questions right? Addition of rational numbers is the addition of different numbers, the decrease of sign follows the decrease of sign. Subtraction is the opposite of subtracting a number equal to the addition of this number

(-3)-(-7)= - 3 + 7 = 4
The rest is right,
Rational number operation generally refers to the plus and minus sign outside the brackets, and then according to the primary school algorithm to do. Minus sign according to the minus sign