A math problem, help me see how to calculate When a person is 20 years old, he starts to save 6000 yuan a year. Assuming that the annual interest rate is 3%, he can save until he is 40 years old. How much money can he get when he is 60 years old? Is there any knowledge about sequence involved? I forgot, please give me some advice

A math problem, help me see how to calculate When a person is 20 years old, he starts to save 6000 yuan a year. Assuming that the annual interest rate is 3%, he can save until he is 40 years old. How much money can he get when he is 60 years old? Is there any knowledge about sequence involved? I forgot, please give me some advice

Mathematical Q & a group answers for you, hoping to help you {[6000 (1 + 3%) + 6000] (1 + 3%) + 6000} (1 + 3%). * (1 + 3%) ^ 20 = [6000 (1 + 3%) ^ 20 + 6000 (1 + 3%) ^ 20 +... + 6000 (1 + 3%)] * (1 + 3%) ^ 20 = 6000 [(1 + 3%) ^ 20 +... + (1 + 3%)] * (1 + 3%) ^ 20 = 6000 *