How to calculate the remainder by dividing a negative number by a positive number? This kind of problem how to calculate, such as - 3 divided by 5 have remainder? How to calculate? Can quotient be negative? For example, if I say - 3 divided by 5, quotient - 1, remainder 2, I hope someone who really understands can teach me My original question is to write the set of numbers divided by 3 and 2, that is, the set of numbers divided by 3 and 2. I don't know whether negative numbers can be included, because I can write negative numbers in my answers, but I have some doubts. After all, the answers are sometimes wrong,

How to calculate the remainder by dividing a negative number by a positive number? This kind of problem how to calculate, such as - 3 divided by 5 have remainder? How to calculate? Can quotient be negative? For example, if I say - 3 divided by 5, quotient - 1, remainder 2, I hope someone who really understands can teach me My original question is to write the set of numbers divided by 3 and 2, that is, the set of numbers divided by 3 and 2. I don't know whether negative numbers can be included, because I can write negative numbers in my answers, but I have some doubts. After all, the answers are sometimes wrong,

The remainder of a negative number divided by a positive number is determined by their decision value
For example - 2 divided by 3, 3 divided by - 2, - 3 divided by - 2, - 2 divided by - 3, 2 divided by 3
Their residuals are 1,2, - 2, - 1,1
Note that my example is divide by not divide by
The key is the first sentence