The bulb L1 of "pz220-40" and the bulb L2 of "pz220-100" are connected in series in a 220 V circuit to calculate the actual power of the two lamps

The bulb L1 of "pz220-40" and the bulb L2 of "pz220-100" are connected in series in a 220 V circuit to calculate the actual power of the two lamps

R1 = 220 * 220 / 40 = 1210 Ω, R2 = 220 * 220 / 100 = 484 Ω;
So: P real 1 = 0.13m2 * 1210 = 20.45w, P real 2 = 0.13m2 * 484 = 8.18w