On the equatorial surface of the earth, there is an object M1 moving in a uniform circular motion with the rotation of the earth, its centripetal acceleration is A1, its linear velocity is V1, and its angular velocity is W1; the satellite M2 moving in a uniform circular motion around the earth near the earth's surface, its centripetal acceleration is A2, its linear velocity is V2, and its angular velocity is W2; the satellite m3 moving in a uniform circular orbit H = R above the earth's surface, The centripetal acceleration is A3, the linear velocity is V3, and the angular velocity is W3; then the following relationship holds: a.a1 > A2 > A3, b.v1 = V2 > V3; c.w1 < W2 < W3, d.w1 = W2 < W3

On the equatorial surface of the earth, there is an object M1 moving in a uniform circular motion with the rotation of the earth, its centripetal acceleration is A1, its linear velocity is V1, and its angular velocity is W1; the satellite M2 moving in a uniform circular motion around the earth near the earth's surface, its centripetal acceleration is A2, its linear velocity is V2, and its angular velocity is W2; the satellite m3 moving in a uniform circular orbit H = R above the earth's surface, The centripetal acceleration is A3, the linear velocity is V3, and the angular velocity is W3; then the following relationship holds: a.a1 > A2 > A3, b.v1 = V2 > V3; c.w1 < W2 < W3, d.w1 = W2 < W3

Choose: CM1, M2 are on the surface of the earth, centripetal acceleration A1 = A2, excluding a; M1's velocity is the earth's rotation speed, M2's velocity is its velocity around the earth, V1 ≠ V2, excluding B; M1's angular velocity is equal to the angular velocity of the earth's rotation, (artificial earth satellite's angular velocity