The two trains run in opposite directions on two parallel straight rails. The length of train a is 150m, and that of train B is 200m. The speed of train a is 54km / h, and that of train B is 72km / h. how long does it take for the two trains to meet and stagger?

The two trains run in opposite directions on two parallel straight rails. The length of train a is 150m, and that of train B is 200m. The speed of train a is 54km / h, and that of train B is 72km / h. how long does it take for the two trains to meet and stagger?

Assuming vehicle B as the reference, the length of vehicle a is 350 meters, and the relative speed of vehicle a is 126 km / h, which is 35 meters per second. Therefore, the total time of staggering is 350 / 35 = 10 seconds