The distance between a and B is 360 kilometers. Car a starts from a and goes to B, driving 72 kilometers per hour. Car a starts for 25 minutes The distance between a and B is 360 kilometers. Car a starts from a and goes to B, 72 kilometers per hour. 25 minutes after car a starts, car B starts from B and goes to a, 48 kilometers per hour. After the two cars meet, they continue to drive in the same direction. How long does it take car a to start from 120 kilometers after meeting? It costs one yuan per time

The distance between a and B is 360 kilometers. Car a starts from a and goes to B, driving 72 kilometers per hour. Car a starts for 25 minutes The distance between a and B is 360 kilometers. Car a starts from a and goes to B, 72 kilometers per hour. 25 minutes after car a starts, car B starts from B and goes to a, 48 kilometers per hour. After the two cars meet, they continue to drive in the same direction. How long does it take car a to start from 120 kilometers after meeting? It costs one yuan per time

25 minutes = 5 / 12 hours
Set a car from the start of a total of X hours