According to the meaning of power and the multiplication rule of fraction, we can get (B / a) &# 178; = B / a multiplied by B / a = B & # 178;; (B / a) &# 179; = B / a multiplied by B / A Multiply B / a = B & # 179 / / A & # 179;, the rule is the nth power of B / the nth power of A. according to the rule, calculate (- X / 3Y) &# 179; (C & # 178 / / AB) &# 178; × (A / BC) &# 179; (- C / A & # 178; b) &# 179;

According to the meaning of power and the multiplication rule of fraction, we can get (B / a) &# 178; = B / a multiplied by B / a = B & # 178;; (B / a) &# 179; = B / a multiplied by B / A Multiply B / a = B & # 179 / / A & # 179;, the rule is the nth power of B / the nth power of A. according to the rule, calculate (- X / 3Y) &# 179; (C & # 178 / / AB) &# 178; × (A / BC) &# 179; (- C / A & # 178; b) &# 179;

(X-Y, X-Y, X-Y, x-t-47; 3Y, X-Y, X-Y, x-t-47; 3Y, X-Y, x-y-t-47; (27y, y-y-t-t-47; (x-x-y, x-y-t-47; (27y, x-y-t-47; (27y, x-y-t-t-47; (27y, y-y-t-t-t-47; (27y-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-179; (C; (C & \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\35;47; BC) / (C & #47; a & #178; b)] and#179; = - (C & #178