The number of boys in class 5 (1) is 4 / 5 of the number of girls. What is the percentage of boys in the class? What is the percentage of girls in the class?

The number of boys in class 5 (1) is 4 / 5 of the number of girls. What is the percentage of boys in the class? What is the percentage of girls in the class?

set up
If the number of female students is 1 and the number of male students is 4 / 5, the number of the whole class is 9 / 5
Number of boys = 4 / 5 * 9 / 5 = 4 / 9
Number of female students = 1 * 9 / 5 = 5 / 9
A: female students account for 4 / 9 of the class, while male students account for 5 / 9 of the class