A triangle, a square and a circle are numbers from 1 to 9 respectively. May I ask △ =?; □ =?;, 0 =?

A triangle, a square and a circle are numbers from 1 to 9 respectively. May I ask △ =?; □ =?;, 0 =?

If the numbers represented by the same sign are the same, then 0 is not only a multiple of 2 but also a multiple of 3. There is only one possibility: 0 = 6; △ = 2; □ = 32 + 2 + 2 = 3 + 3 = 6 -------- if three △, two □, and one 0 represent six different numbers, there are four possibilities: 0 = 9; △ = 1, 2, 6; □ = 4, 5, 1