1) Circle * triangle = 300, (2) square * triangle = 15, (3) square * circle = 180. These are three known conditions. How many are triangle, circle and square? How can you explain it to children in a simple way

1) Circle * triangle = 300, (2) square * triangle = 15, (3) square * circle = 180. These are three known conditions. How many are triangle, circle and square? How can you explain it to children in a simple way

300 / 15 = 20, circle is 20 times of square, 180 / 20 = 9, replace the circle in the third formula with square multiplied by 20, or know square multiplied by 9, 3 * 3 = 9, that is, square is 3, 15 / 3 = 5, that is, triangle is 5300 / 5 = 60, that is, circle is 60