How to convert capacitance? How to convert capacitance units?

How to convert capacitance? How to convert capacitance units?

The statistics are as follows: (method; milli; micro; nano; skin)
1F (farad) = 1000mf (MF), 1 (MF) = 1000uf (MF), 1 (MF) = 1000nf (NF), 1 (NF) = 1000pf (PI)
Rule: unit ellipsis is expressed as PF, for example
101(pF)=10 * 10^1 = 100pF = 0.1nF;
104(pF)=10 * 10^4 = 100000pF = 0.1uF;
105(pF)=10 * 10^5 = 1000000pF = 1uF.
1 farad = 10e3 MF = 10e6 MF = 10e9 NF = 10e12 PF
Calculation method for the value of capacitance labeled AAX:
AAX = AA x (x power of 10) PF
For example, 105 = 10 x 100000 pf = 1 UF
223 = 22 x 1000 = 22000pF = 0.022uF