It is required to define a function named mysum with a return value of double type. Its function is to find the sum of the number of two double types   A) mysum(double a,b)   { return (a+b); }   B) mysum(double a,double b)   { return a+b; }   C) double mysum(int a,intb);   {return a+b; }   D) double mysum(double a,double b)   { retrun (a+b); } What is the correct answer and why? I see. I didn't see the title "finding the sum of two double type numbers". Now the question is what type is the return value of B? Do you have to write the brackets of return (a + b)? C linguistics is not good, there are many fuzzy places

It is required to define a function named mysum with a return value of double type. Its function is to find the sum of the number of two double types   A) mysum(double a,b)   { return (a+b); }   B) mysum(double a,double b)   { return a+b; }   C) double mysum(int a,intb);   {return a+b; }   D) double mysum(double a,double b)   { retrun (a+b); } What is the correct answer and why? I see. I didn't see the title "finding the sum of two double type numbers". Now the question is what type is the return value of B? Do you have to write the brackets of return (a + b)? C linguistics is not good, there are many fuzzy places

Answer: first of all, D is a parameter problem. According to the meaning of the question, a, C can be excluded. In B and D, it depends on the return value type of the function. The return value type in B is not written, so in C language, the default is int type. Therefore, the return value type must be written as double, which cannot be omitted. Secondly, your return