In English, we use see to make the simple present tense, the present continuous tense, the simple past tense, the past continuous tense and the present perfect tense For example, I have make a cake I was making a cake at last 8:00 night Imake a cake yesterday I am making a cake now I make a cake every day Please make sentences in this format

In English, we use see to make the simple present tense, the present continuous tense, the simple past tense, the past continuous tense and the present perfect tense For example, I have make a cake I was making a cake at last 8:00 night Imake a cake yesterday I am making a cake now I make a cake every day Please make sentences in this format

I can see a lot of flowers here
The present tense
I'm seeing a girl crossing the road
I saw him a few years ago
I have never seen such a good film
He was seeing the film when the electricity cut off