The transformation of verbs in the general present tense, the general past tense, the present progressive tense and the general future tense What's the change of tense verbs between the first person tense and the second person tense and the third person tense

The transformation of verbs in the general present tense, the general past tense, the present progressive tense and the general future tense What's the change of tense verbs between the first person tense and the second person tense and the third person tense

Present tense:
First person: verb without s or ES
Second person: same as above
The third person: the verb is converted to three simple, plus s or ES (he, she, it only)
In the past tense:
No matter the first person, the second person or the third person, the verb is in the past tense and does not need to be changed
present progressive:
First person: have done
Second person: same as above
The third person: he, she, it are has done, others are the same as above
In the future:
No matter the first person, the second person or the third person, the verb prototype is added after will or be going to