The problem focus of parabola s (- 1,1) quasilinear y = X-2 solving equation This parabola is not an upper opening or a lower opening, or a left opening or a right opening

The problem focus of parabola s (- 1,1) quasilinear y = X-2 solving equation This parabola is not an upper opening or a lower opening, or a left opening or a right opening

By using the definition of parabola, the distance from any point P (x, y) of parabola to s is equal to the distance to the collimator √ [(x + 1) & # 178; + (Y-1) & # 178;] = | x-y-2 | / √ 2 √ 2 * √ [(x + 1) & # 178; + (Y-1) & # 178;] = | x-y-2 | square 2 on both sides [(x + 1) & # 178; + (Y-1) & # 178;] = (x-y-2) & # 178; 2x & nbsp