How many words and phrases are there in English?

How many words and phrases are there in English?

There is no formal statistics on the exact number of English words. Linguists generally believe that there are about 170000 English words (excluding special words, names of people, place names, etc.), of which about 70000 have been or will be abandoned, so the approximate number of English words is 100000
The number of phrases and phrases has not been counted, because every word can derive many phrases and phrases
As for the difference, there is a big difference in English grammar
Citation 1: a group of words (mostly composed of more than two words) whose function is similar to a word can be called phrases. Phrases that act as nouns are called noun phrases; phrases that act as adjectives are called adjective phrases; phrases that act as adverbs are called adverb phrases; and so on
The king of Terror (noun phrase) will come one or later
Comparison: death (noun) will come one or later
He is a man of health
He is a healthy (adjective) man
He speaks English with fluency
= he speaks English fluent
Citation 2: phrases are like phrases, but they don't express parts of speech, such as it would, see, such as as ,in order that .
Both noun phrases and noun clauses act as nouns and can be called noun equivalents. Similarly, adjective phrases and adjective clauses can also be called adjective equivalents, and adverb phrases and adverb clauses can be called adverb equivalents
Citation 3: a phrase is a larger unit than a word. A clause is a larger unit than a phrase. A phrase is a larger unit than a word. A clause is a larger unit than a phrase
Some phrases, such as a number of, lots of, a great deal of, have the same function as a single adjective
In of students, a number of modifies the noun (subject word) students, meaning close to some. If number is regarded as the subject word and of students as the attributive mechanically, it will be misunderstood
B. Zhang Daozhen's Concise English grammar is not
Words, phrases and clauses
There are several ways to express the elements of a sentence
1. Words:
They built a house
Barking dogs seldom bite
2. Phrases - a group of two or more words:
She doesn't know Chinese
We watch TV after supper
I've come to learn from you
3. Clauses - a short sentence similar to the sentence structure:
I'll come over to see you when I have time .
I'll come to see you when I'm free. Phrases are bigger than words. Clauses are bigger than phrases