What are the time phrases in English phrases?

What are the time phrases in English phrases?

In a (little) while -- I'll be back in a little while
in an instant--She finished her work in an instant.
It didn't take her long to finish her work
For a while, soon
Now, now
Right now, right now
the best method presently known
Best known method
I am coming presently.
I'll come in a minute
She is in Japan presently.
She is in Japan now
Put away more dictionaries
Soon -- immediately, soon, soon
Fast; early
It's better, better, better, better, better, better, better, better than
She will be back soon.
She will be back in a minute
You spoke too soon.
You speak too soon [early]
S-got,soon gone [spent].
Easy come, easy go
S-learned,soon forgotten.
Soon learn, soon forgotten.
He would sooner die than consent to such a plan.
He would rather die than agree to the plan
The brave soldier would as soon die as yield to such an enemy.
The brave soldier would rather die than yield to such an enemy
a moment
The bus is not due yet awhile.
It will be a while before the bus comes
It's going to be a while. It's going to be a while
in a moment--In a moment,please.
please wait a moment.
In a moment; very soon.
A moment; a moment