Write phrases, proverbs or idioms related to the Yellow River ...

Write phrases, proverbs or idioms related to the Yellow River ...

Phrases, proverbs, idioms
"When the river goes to Wencheng County, the granary becomes poor.";
"Gu Bo's mouth is on the river, and the driving department and Tang Department forget to move out"
"Never die until you reach the Yellow River"
"The Yellow River is full of calamities, but it is rich."
Right and wrong blowing into the ears of mortals, the Yellow River wash not clear
If you don't get to the Yellow River, you will never die, never hit the south wall, never look back
The Yellow River is yellow, the Great Wall is long, and heroes go everywhere
The Yellow River goes down to the East China Sea, writing thousands of miles into the mind
Jumping into the Yellow River
The Yellow River is rich in Ningxia, and the richest is Wuzhong
There is still a day for the Yellow River to be clarified. How can people not be lucky
The Yellow River enriches Ningxia
Never die till you reach the Yellow River
Huang Heqing
Don't you see the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky and rushing to the sea
The Yellow River is far above the white clouds, a lonely city of Wanren mountain
The Yellow River holds the earth to be possible to plug, the north wind and rain snow hate difficult to cut!
Yesterday is better than today, this year is older than last year
They are the mainstay, Haiyan Heqing, Heqing Haiyan, Heshan daili, Huanghe Shuiqing, Lishan Daihe, Liyu tiaolong, Houhe Zhiqing and mainstay
Don't you see the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky and rushing to the sea
The Yellow River is far above the white clouds, a lonely city of Wanren mountain
The Yellow River holds the earth to be possible to plug, the north wind and rain snow hate difficult to cut!
Yesterday is better than today, this year is older than last year
They are the mainstay, Haiyan Heqing, Heqing Haiyan, Heshan daili, Huanghe Shuiqing, Lishan Daihe, Liyu tiaolong, Houhe Zhiqing and mainstay
Wang Changling's "when you look at the capital from the white garden and the Yellow River flows endlessly, you can't find out who you are in the poor autumn, but you can't find out who you are from the east of the horse head" and "when the Yellow River Ferry goes back to Tianjin and you leave home for a few days, dogwood is fresh."
Du Fu's two songs of the Yellow River: the soldiers on the North Bank of the Yellow River are on the west side of the sea, and the drum is ringing all over the world. The iron horses are singing for a long time, and there are many Hu people with high noses. The South Bank of the Yellow River is Shu. If you want to supply your family with no millet, you are willing to drive the common people to wear the king, mix up books and discard gold and jade
He Jingzhi's "Sanmenxia - dressing table": "look at the three doors, three doors open, the Yellow River will not come back to the East", "order Li Bai to change the poem, the Yellow River sailors come!"
"The Yellow River has been flowing since ancient times, but now it is used as cultivated land. The roads are flexible, and the sea turns into dust."
Liu Yuxi of Tang Dynasty wrote "nine bends of the Yellow River, thousands of miles of sand, waves and waves, the wind from the end of the world"
Li Bai said: "the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky and runs to the sea, but it never comes back again", "the Yellow River goes down to the East China Sea, and thousands of miles are written into his mind", "the Yellow River holds the earth, but it is difficult to cut the wind, rain and snow in the north", "the Yellow River comes to Kunlun in the west, roars thousands of miles to touch the dragon's gate", "you want to cross the Yellow River, and the Taihang Mountains will be covered in the snow in the dark sky", "how magnificent the West Mountains are, and the Yellow River is like silk in the sky", "and explore the tiger's den to the desert, Whips the horse to walk on the Yellow River
Wang Wei's "single tree close, the Yellow River to the sky."
Li Shangyin's "earth flower desert, vast blue clouds, Yellow River wants to make the sky yellow."
Bai Juyi's "the Yellow River water white clouds autumn, pedestrian River relative sorrow."
In the Song Dynasty, Qiu Gu's Huang He Qing (yellow river clear) drum horn is clear and strong, occupying Yunyi. He likes the dust on the edge, but it's still quiet today. A line is suddenly added, and he feels that the Huangzhou is forever forever. Outside the building, there are thousands of horses and thousands of wells of joy. At first sight, Taiping officials dream that bears occupy three beautiful sceneries, Go back to the court and tune the Golden Tripod together
Liu Zhongyong's collection of people's grievances: the golden river passes through the jade pass, the horse policy and the sword ring in the dynasties
Proverbs about the Yellow River
The river passes through the county town of Wen, and the granary is suddenly poor. ";
"Gu Bo's mouth is on the river, and the driving department and Tang Department forget to move out"
"Never die until you reach the Yellow River"
"The Yellow River is full of calamities, but it is rich."
Right and wrong blowing into the ears of mortals, the Yellow River wash not clear
If you don't get to the Yellow River, you will never die, never hit the south wall, never look back
The Yellow River is yellow, the Great Wall is long, and heroes go everywhere
The Yellow River goes down to the East China Sea, writing thousands of miles into the mind
"When the river goes to Wencheng County, the granary is suddenly poor." "the solitary cypress catches up with the river, and the Tang Department forgets to move out." "the heart will not die until he reaches the Yellow River." "the Yellow River is full of harm, but it is rich."
If you jump into the Yellow River and enrich Ningxia, the richest people are Wu Zhong and the Yellow River. There is still a day to clarify. How can you not be lucky and the Yellow River be rich in Ningxia? If you don't reach the Yellow River, your heart will not die and your tears will not flow until you see the coffin
1. The Yellow River is far above the white clouds, a lonely city, Wanren mountain
If you don't see it, the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky and runs to the sea
3. When the Yellow River goes down to the East China Sea, thousands of miles are written into the mind
4. The smoke in the desert is straight, and the river is falling
5. It's a proverb that has been hanging on the people's lips for thousands of years: "the Yellow River has all kinds of harms, but only one set of wealth." Hetao is the "Ji" area of the Yellow River. After passing through Lanzhou, the center of the country, the Yellow River turns north and flows to Yinshan Mountain
Under the pulse, he made two 90 degree sharp turns in a row, as if the rope thrown by God just caught the Ordos Plateau
This area should be barren, but there are complete irrigation channels between the Yellow River and Yinshan
Irrigation system, so densely populated, rich in agricultural products
6. "A basin of river water and half basin of mud", a well-known proverb, makes the Yellow River turbid
7. This proverb is used to describe those who are stubborn and stubborn. It must have originated from the villages on the Bank of the Yellow River with strong geographical regionality, and then spread to other non Yellow River basin areas with the migration of people and cultural exchanges, which has been more widely recognized by the society
8. Jumping to the Yellow River is not clear. A well-known proverb shows the helplessness after being wronged
9. Since ancient times, the Yellow River has enriched Ningxia. This proverb means that the Yellow River has irrigated a large area of farmland in Ningxia Plain, making it rich in products and outstanding in people, In Zhongwei County, Qingtongxia, Yinchuan city and Shizuishan along the Yellow River, more than ten characteristic eco-tourism projects, such as yellow river drifting, desert exploration, sand lake bird watching and agricultural sightseeing, have been launched successively, making the tourism revenue of the six scenic spots reach two-thirds of the total tourism revenue of Ningxia
10. You don't have to argue any more. You still have a problem with me
11. "Nine bends and eighteen bends" of the Yellow River
12. Heavy snow in winter, winter solstice no boat; cold busy comprador, cold to new year. (Yellow River Basin)
13. "On September 9, the Dragon King shut up"
At the same time, he made a great contribution to the development of China's economy
The Yellow River is bright in the East and the sun sets in the West
The balcony is separated from the Chu River, and spring grass grows on the Yellow River
Haixi army on the North Bank of the Yellow River, the drum tolls all over the world
Send Kunlun five color flow, a yellow turbid through the state
If you want to cross the Yellow River, you will climb the snowy mountain of Taihang
Never give up until you reach the Yellow River;
Jump into the Yellow River is not clear;
The Yellow River has nine bends and eighteen bends;
Since ancient times, the Yellow River has enriched Ningxia;
When the sage comes out, the Yellow River is clear;
The water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky and runs to the sea;
When the Yellow River comes back, you don't see Sichuan, when Daimei comes back, you don't see mountains;
Right and wrong blowing into the ears of ordinary people, the Yellow River wash not clear;
The Yellow River is full of harm, but it is rich;
"When the river goes to Wencheng County, the granary becomes poor.";
"Gu Bo's mouth is on the river, and the driving department and Tang Department forget to move out"
"Never die until you reach the Yellow River"
"The Yellow River is full of calamities, but it is rich."
Right and wrong blowing into the ears of mortals, the Yellow River wash not clear
If you don't get to the Yellow River, you will never die, never hit the south wall, never look back
The Yellow River is yellow, the Great Wall is long, and heroes go everywhere
The Yellow River goes down to the East China Sea, writing thousands of miles into the mind
The Yellow River flows into the sea. If you want to be poor for thousands of miles, you can go to a higher level
Mount Tai is a pillar, and the Yellow River is a belt
The Yellow River is zigzagging and the sky is falling. The three peaks of Huayue will come soon
The Yellow River touches mountains for thousands of miles, and the whirlpool turns to mines of Qin Dynasty
The Yellow River is like silk in the sky
The Yellow River goes down to the East China Sea, and thousands of miles are written into the mind
The Yellow River comes to Kunlun in the West and roars ten thousand li to touch the dragon's gate
The Yellow River holds the earth, but the north wind and snow are hard to cut
The Yellow River is far above the white clouds, a lonely city of Wanren mountain. Why should Qiang flute complain about the willows? The spring breeze does not pass through Yumen pass. (Liang Zhou Ci by Wang Zhihuan)
Now we go straight to the Milky way and go to the home of the morning glory and the weaver girl. (Liu Yuxi's nine songs of the sand washed by waves)
Jiuqu Yellow River, thousands of miles of sand, a few waves from Tianya. Now straight up to the Milky way, to the home of the morning glory Weaver
Yellow River night, cold sand like battlefield
The rush is noisy, and pingye is in the end of time
Wu will book difficult to reach, Yantai Road is long
It's a break in three years and a change in a century
When the Yellow River comes back, you don't see Sichuan, when Daimei comes back, you don't see Sichuan
If the Yellow River is broken, county officials will not survive
Carp leaping to the dragon's gate
Jiuqu is the mainstay of the Yellow River
Day mountain to do, the Yellow River into the sea. To poor eyes, a higher level
You don't see the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky and rushing to the sea
If you don't see the mirror in the high hall, your hair is white and sad
The Yellow River is far above the white clouds, a lonely city of Wanren mountain
Now we go straight to the Milky way and go to the home of the morning glory and the weaver girl
The Yellow River is in the sky. The long wind blows high waves, and the sun shines cold. It looks like a thousand feet of Luliang, strong as August of Qiantang, and it goes down to wash the dust
The Yellow River still has the day of clarification. How can people not have a good time
Right and wrong blowing into the ears of mortals, the Yellow River wash not clear
If you don't reach the Yellow River, you will never die, never hit the south wall, never look back
The Yellow River, the Great Wall long, heroes go everywhere
Brief introduction, hope to help you