What are the different usages of the preposition of at in on, etc. + place? I only know on farm, but why can't I use in farm? At party, why use at? And, for example, the answer to the question. Why should the attributive of answer use the preposition to instead of of of of? Do these knowledge points have basic principles?

What are the different usages of the preposition of at in on, etc. + place? I only know on farm, but why can't I use in farm? At party, why use at? And, for example, the answer to the question. Why should the attributive of answer use the preposition to instead of of of of? Do these knowledge points have basic principles?

The preposition at, in, on, by means of place, place and position
2.1 at regards place, place and position as a "point":
The begger is sitting at the corner
2.Jane is waiting for you at the bus stop.Jane Wait for you at the bus stop
3. At home
4. Who's standing there at the door?
5. At the top of the page
The shop is at the end of the road
7. At the entrance
8. At the crossroads
9. When will you arrive at the office?
I'm in France, at Paris
There is a small hut at the foot of the hill
12.My aunt lives at 55 Boretz Road in Durham.
My aunt lives at 55 boretz Road, Durham
13. At the side
14. At reception
I'm at work
16. At class / home / the library / the office / School
Department / School
2.2 in regard a place, place, or location as an area or an enclosed space:
I live in London
I live in England, at London
I live in a big city, my sister lives at a small town
My sister lives in a small town
a city,at a small town.
We have a meeting in Beijing
Mars is in the solar system
6. In a car
7. In a taxi (not on a taxi or by a taxi)
8. In a helicopter
9. In a boat
10. In a lift (elevator)
11. In the newspaper
12. In the sky
13. In the bed
14. In the bedroom / class / library / School
2.3 on regarding place, place and position as a plane:
1. The author's name is on the cover of the book
There are no prices on this menu
You are standing on my foot
There was a "no smoking" sign on the wall
It's a little bit too late
I live on the 7th floor at 21 Oxford Street in London
The 7th floor is the eighth floor
6. On a bus
7. On a train
8. On a plane
9. On a ship
10. On a bicycle, on a motorbike
11. On a horse, on an elephant
12. On the radio, on television
On the left, on the right
14. On the way
15. On the bed
16. On the ceiling
17. On the floor
2.4 by is used to indicate the position (with the meaning of beside, close to, close to)
By the fire
2. By the seaside
3. A path by the river
4. By the nearest road
If I want to remember the usage of prepositions, I have to use a little imagination to associate them
In Beijing, in a car, in a car
A taxi, in a boat, in a helicopter, in the sky
Car, taxi, boat, helicopter in the air