Don't get nervous, help yourself to what you like Please help us to analyze what the subject, predicate and object are. Is the last sentence a repetition of the previous sentence, or is it a juxtaposition? If it is a juxtaposition, please help us to divide the subject, predicate and object,

Don't get nervous, help yourself to what you like Please help us to analyze what the subject, predicate and object are. Is the last sentence a repetition of the previous sentence, or is it a juxtaposition? If it is a juxtaposition, please help us to divide the subject, predicate and object,

The first half of the sentence is an imperative sentence with no subject. Don't is an auxiliary verb and the predicate is get. It is a copula here, followed by an adjective. The general structure is auxiliary verb + copula + predicative
The second half of the sentence is also an imperative sentence, which is a coordinate relationship. The structure predicate (help) + object (yourself) + object complement (to what you like)
I hope the answer will be useful to you,