What's the plural of water

What's the plural of water

Water is a very familiar word. We all know that it means "water". It is a material noun, so it can't be counted and plural. However, what puzzles many students is that we often see the use of water in textbooks or examination papers. In order to help students solve this puzzle, this paper summarizes the plural use of water
1、 It is customary to use the plural when expressing "water area" or "water body" of rivers, lakes, seas, etc
They will cross the waters tomorrow
The waters of the lake flow out over a large waterfall
This is where the waters of Amazon flow out into the sea
2、 It is customary to use the plural when referring to the "offshore", "sea area" and "territorial sea" of a country
British territorial waters
British waters were a "military area"
The number of fish in coastal waters has decreased
The ship successfully underwent sea trials in coastal waters
3、 It is customary to use the plural when it means "mineral water", "spring water" and "Fountain"
We drink table waters
A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight
Note: take [drink] the waters is an idiom, which refers to drinking mineral water for treatment or going to a mineral spring resort for recuperation
He went abroad to drink the waters
He is taking [drinking] the waters at bath
4、 It is customary to use the plural when it means "flood"
The flood waters are going down
The dam is not strong enough to hold back the flood waters
5、 It is customary to use the plural when it refers to the water of several different rivers or sea areas
The waters of the two rivers mingled (together) to form one river
6、 In some fixed expressions, it is customary to use the plural
In smooth water (s)
Pour oil on troubled waters
Fish in muddy waters
Fish in troubled waters