In the third person singular, should s be added to the verb?

In the third person singular, should s be added to the verb?

Nouns can be divided into proper nouns and common nouns. Proper nouns are the proper names of some people, places, institutions, etc., such as Beijing, China, etc
1) Individual Nouns: refers to individuals in a certain kind of people or things, such as gun
2) Collective nouns: a collection of individuals, such as family
3) Material nouns: refers to objects that cannot be divided into individuals, such as air
4) Abstract nouns: express abstract concepts such as action, state, quality and emotion, such as work
Individual Nouns and collective nouns can be counted by numbers, which are called countable nouns. Material nouns and abstract nouns can't be counted by numbers, which are called uncountable nouns
|Proper noun|
|NOUN | individual NOUN ||
||||| countable noun|
||| collective noun ||
|Ordinary NOUN|
|Words | material nouns ||
||||| uncountable noun|
|Abstract noun|
1.1 rule changes of plural nouns
Case construction method pronunciation example words
In general, add - S 1. Read after consonant / S /; map maps
2. Voiced consonants and bag bags after vowels
Read / Z /; car cars
S, SH, CH,
The words ending in X and so on are read with - ES / iz / bus buses
With CE, Se, Ze,
(d) And so on
S / iz / license licenses
Change the consonant letter + y into I
At the end of the word, add es to read / Z / Baby --- babies
1.2 rule changes of other plural nouns
1) When a proper noun ending in Y or a noun ending in vowel + y becomes plural, add s directly to the plural
Two Marys the Henry
monkey---monkeys holiday---holidays
Comparison: story --- stories
2) Nouns ending in O, when plural:
a. Add s, such as: Photo --- photos piano --- piano
radio---radios zoo---zoos;
b. Add es, such as: potato -- potato, tomato -- tomato
c. Yes, such as zero --- zeros / zeroes
3) When a noun ending in f or Fe becomes plural:
a. Add s, such as: belief --- beliefs roof --- roof
safe---safes gulf---gulfs;
b. To F, Fe and ves, for example: half --- halves
knife---knives leaf---leaves wolf---wolves
wife---wives life---lives thief---thieves;
c. Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief
handkerchiefs / handkerchieves
1.3 irregular changes in the plural of nouns
1)child---children foot---feet tooth---teeth
mouse---mice man---men woman---women
Note: the plural of compound words with man and woman is also - men and - women
For example: an English man, two English men. But German is not a compound word, so the plural form is Germany; Bowman is the surname, and the plural is the Bowman
2) Simple complex homomorphism such as:
li,jin,yuan,two li,three mu,four jin
However, except RMB yuan, Jiao and Fen, US dollar, pound sterling and Franc all have plural forms
A dollar, two dollars; a meter, two meters 3) collective nouns, in the singular but in the plural
For example: people, a police, a castle and so on are plural in themselves. We can't say "a people, a police, a castle", but we can say "a people, a police, a castle"
A person, a policeman, a head of Castle, the English, the British, the French, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Swiss and other nouns are used as complex numbers when they refer to the general name of the people
The Chinese people are industrious and brave
4) Nouns ending with s and still singular, such as:
a. Maths, politics, physics and other subject nouns are uncountable and singular
b. News is an uncountable noun
c. The United States and the United Nations shall be regarded as singular
The United Nations was organized in 1945
d. The plural titles of books, plays, newspapers and magazines can also be regarded as singular
"The Arabian Nights" is a very interesting story-book.
It's a very interesting story book
5) It means something made up of two parts, such as glasses, trousers, clothes
If you want to express a specific number, you should use the quantifiers pair; suit; a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers
6) In addition, there are also some nouns whose plural sometimes means something special, such as: goods, waters, fish
1.4 expression of uncountable noun quantity
1) Material terms
a. When material nouns are transformed into individual nouns
Cake is a kind of food
These cakes are sweet
b. When a substance noun denotes the kind of substance, the noun is countable
This factory produces steel
We need variable steels
c. When material nouns denote shares, they are countable
Our country is famous for tea.
Our country is famous for tea
Two teas, please.
Two cups of tea, please
2) Abstract nouns are sometimes countable
Four freedoms
The four modernizations
Material nouns and abstract nouns can be quantified with the help of Unit vocabulary
For example:
A glass of water
A piece of advice
1.5 plural of attributive nouns
Nouns as attributives are usually singular, but with the following exceptions
1) Use the plural as an attribute
Sports meeting
Students reading room
Talks table
The Foreign Languages Department
2) When man, woman and gentleman are used as attributives, their singular and plural are determined by the singular and plural of the nouns they modify
For example: men workers women teachers
gentlemen officials
3) Some nouns ending with "s" are reserved as attributives
For example: goods train
Arms production
Customs papers
Clothes brush
4) When numeral + noun is used as attributive, the singular form is reserved
Two dozen (twenty four eggs)
Ten mile walk
Two hundred trees
A five year plan
A few years child, for example
1.6 singular and plural of people from different countries
One person two people
The Chinese a Chinese two Chinese
The Swiss a Swiss two Swiss
The an two
Australians Australian Australians
The Russians a Russian two Russians
The Italians an Italian two Italians
The Greek a Greek two Greeks
The French a Frenchman two
The Japanese a Japanese two Japanese
The Americans an American two Americans
The Indians an Indian two Indians
The Canadians a Canadian two Canadians
The Germany a Germany two Germany
The English an Englishman two
The Swedish a Sweden two Swedes
1.7 case of nouns
In English, some nouns can add "s" to indicate all relations. The noun form with this suffix is called the possessive case of the noun, such as a teacher's book
1) For example, the boy's bag, men's room and men's room
2) If the noun has plural suffix - s, just add "'", such as: the workers' struggle
3) Any noun that can't be added with "s" can use the structure of "noun + of + noun" to express all relations, such as the name of the title of the song
4) When referring to the name of a shop or church or someone's home, the noun possessive often does not appear after the noun possessive, such as the barber's barber's
5) If two nouns are juxtaposed and have's respectively, it means' respectively '; if there is only one's, it means' common'
For example: John's and Mary's room (two rooms) John and Mary's room (one room)
6) Compound noun or phrase,'s' is added at the end of the last word
A month or two's absence
5. Verbs
1) A word that expresses the state of an action is called a verb
2) According to their functions in sentences, verbs can be divided into four categories: notional verb, link verb, auxiliary verb and modal verb
Note: in some cases, some verbs are concurrent words
We are having a meeting
He has gone to New York
Has is an auxiliary verb
3) Verbs can be divided into two types according to whether they are followed by an object: transitive verb and intransitive verb. Their abbreviations are vt. and VI
Explanation: sometimes the same verb can be used as transitive or intransitive
She can dance and sing.
She can sing and dance
She can sing many English songs.
She can sing many English songs
4) According to whether it is limited by the person and number of the subject, it can be divided into two categories: finite verb and non finite verb
She sings very well.
She sings very well
She wants to learn English well.
She wants to learn English well
Note: there are three kinds of non finite verbs in English: Infinitive, gerund and participle
5) According to the forms of verbs, they can be divided into three categories: one word verb, phrasal verb and verbal phrase
The English language contains many phrasal verbs and verbal phrases.
There are many phrasal verbs and verb phrases in English
Students should learn to look up new words in dictionaries.
Students learn to look up in the dictionary
The young ought to take care of the old.
The young should take care of the old
6) There are five forms of verbs: original form, single from in third personal, past form, past participle and present participle
5.1 copulars
The copula is also called link verb. As a copula, it has its own meaning, but it can not be used as a predicate alone. It must be followed by a predicative (also known as a complement) to form a tie